#1 the start of Bachata Passion
Never did I think that Bachata could be our fulltime job. Nor did we imagine that we could turn it into an actual growing business. When we started Bachata Passion, we just loved dancing Bachata. At that time the dance style was still not that big in the Netherlands. We danced salsa shows as a hobby, went to parties to dance Salsa and then enjoyed an occasional Bachata song. We were both students at the time (International Relations & IT) and we taught Salsa classes at the local dance school and danced in a Salsa show team with which we travelled abroad to learn & perform.
During those travels we saw a style of Bachata that we had never seen in the Netherlands before. This style called Bachata Sensual was something completely new to us and especially I immediately fell in love with it. It took a little bit more convincing to get Geno as enthusiastic, but he was willing to give it a try for me. So, we would take the time to learn from many international teachers & artists about this amazing dance. Investing lots of time & money in learning about all styles of Bachata. On special demand of our salsa students we also started teaching a few Bachata classes at the dance school. And we started to notice that people were getting more and more interested in Bachata.
In 2012 we were asked by an organizer named Guno to prepare a Bachata show for his event. At first we doubted a bit, but we liked the challenge and thought, let’s just go for it. Let’s see what we can create with Bachata. We didn’t think too much of it, had no clear plan and only Salsa show experience. The only focus was to have a show ready on the August 4, 2012. To be honest I can’t really remember the process of making the show, but I do remember the nerves of the fourth of August. Nervous, insecure but also super excited! What would people think? Would we be able to perform it the way we rehearsed it? Those 3 minutes flew by!
Those 3 minutes were the real kickstart of Bachata Passion.
Curious to see the first BP show? We don’t have a video anymore of that particular night, but you can see this show danced a few months later here.
From our first show to starting our own danceschool
After the show we received so many great compliments and good reactions from other dancers and promotors, that after that show the bookings started coming. People liked that we were bringing something different to the scene, and this gave us the chance to perform all over the Netherlands. From the performances came the workshops, from the workshops came more interest in the classes. As our classes grew and we kept improving and growing as teachers we realised that we wanted the focus in our classes to be different. More focus on technique, not just learning figures but really teaching to lead & follow. At the school we taught there was no room for that, this motivated us to start our own Academy together with our colleagues from Mistura.
We found a location, that we painted ourselves, and transformed from a bicycle storage into a small dance studio. With only 40m2 this school felt like our own paradise. Our first experience at running a business. This went with ups and downs, with lots of learning moments. Sharing the location, we as Bachata Passion taught 3 days a week. Building our classes that sometimes only had 4 students in them. Teaching week after week classes in small groups of only 4 to max. 12 students. It was difficult to compete with other dance schools. But our main focus was to add quality to the Bachata community, not quantity. With baby steps we started growing and after 2 years of working and building our dance schools together, the location was getting too small and we decided to separate our businesses.
This was the next big step for Bachata Passion, our own location 24/7. This created many possibilities, but also came with new responsibilities and challenges.
But we will save that for the next blog. Because now I am curious! Did you learn something new about how we started? Anything that surprised you? Or was this exactly how you imagined it?

2024-2 Managing it all
2024-2 Managing it all Mijn focus weer vinden in het midden van al die chaos van het
2024-1 Terug van weggeweest
2024-1 Terug van weggeweest Daar zitten we dan, in het vliegtuig naar een Bachata festival. Onderweg naar
Hoe begin ik met Bachata dansen
Hoe begin ik met Bachata dansen? Wat is nou de beste manier om te beginnen met Bachata
Very intresting, i didn’t know how it all started. I cannot wait to read the rest :)! When is it coming?
Wat leuk om te lezen hoe Bachata Passion begonnen is! Ik wist helemaal niet dat jullie eerst op een andere locatie zaten:-) jullie zijn echt veel gegroeid.
Heel leuk geschreven Steffie! Ik ben ook benieuwd naar de volgende blog! :-)
Thank you Nanka. Will post a new Blog every monday! :)
Thanks Bonita! Leuk dat ik toch alweer iets nieuws heb kunnen delen wat je nog niet wist! Volgende week maandag weer nieuwe blog :)
Heel leuk om te lezen Steffie!
En grappig dat Geno in eerste instantie nog niet meteen overtuigd was, want als je hem nu ziet haha :)
Ik ben benieuwd naar je andere verhalen!
It’s so cool to see the first show!! Omg it looked amazing!! You both clearly had bachata running through your veins form the very beginning! looking forward to read the rest of the story !
Super leuk om te lezen! Ik wist wel dat jullie in eerste instantie alleen salsa dansten, maar niet dat jullie dat ook op show-team niveau deden. Lijkt me best spannend om daar dan mee te stoppen voor iets nog relatief onbekend en onzeker is. Echte ondernemers mentaliteit, heel gaaf!
Thanks for sharing your journey. You see possibilities and get into action. Thanks for inspiring and sharing the joy of dancing. Keep spreading the passion!
Lief kind van mij……. trots op jou. Mooi beschreven en mooi geschreven.
Great to read about the BP history! How strange you started so small and BAM 8 years later I’m enjoying classes at your 4th location :)
Very curious how it progressed, and how you view the popularity of bachata spread (partly I’m sure, thanks to BP!)
Your BP fanboy,
Thanks Evi voor je berichtje!
En ja, Geno is gelukkig flink enthousiast geworden uiteindelijk! :)
Thank you Elisa!!
Thanks Rosalie! Mocht je leuk vinden om ons in actie te zien met Salsa, dit was een van de laatste shows die we nog hebben gedanst met Matanza (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u44zwbhXlKg)
Maar was inderdaad super spannend om die stap te nemen, achteraf heel blij dat we dat hebben gedaan!
Thanks Michiel!!
dankjewel lieve mama!
BP fanboy :) haha love it!
Well who knows next location in England, we just go with you ;)
That’s one small step for Bachata Passion, one giant leap for Bachata World.”
Thanks for sharing your journey!! Looking forward to the rest of your stories.
Keep spreading the Passion
Oehhhhh I was there !! Ik ben zo belachelijk trots op hoe jullie dit hebben opgezet. Jullie hebben er veel voor moeten laten, veel moeten investeren en vooral kansen moeten creëren… en dat hebben jullie met zoveel liefde en passie gedaan ! and it shows !!!
BP is niet alleen een dansschool.. het is dat BP family gevoel !
Trots op jullie !
BP is the example that if you really want something you can go and get it trough hard work! Not only, HOW you achieve the goal matters even more, and BP is bringing there the biggest value, with love for students, humbleness , professionalisms … QUALITY!
Ik wist ook niet dat jullie eerst op een andere locatie zaten. En dat de samenwerking met Mistura al zo ver terug gaat. Echt leuk allemaal om te lezen. En geweldig, die video!
Ik weet nog zo goed dat ik in 2015 oid op jullie website terecht was gekomen, omdat ik toen al gek was van bachatamuziek en de basis. Maar ik heb toen niet doorgezet. Jullie concept was zo anders dan andere dansscholen. En ik zag niet zo goed voor me hoe ik dat kon combineren met mijn salsalessen.
Zo jammer, want ik ben nu echt de grootste fan van jullie concept.
Afgelopen 1,5 jaar voelen als een droom. Door jullie heb ik mijn passie weer (terug) gevonden.
Ik ben benieuwd naar de volgende blog!
Love you!!! Echt super bedankt dat je er altijd was, elke stap, hoe veel ik ook moest missen, je stond altijd 100% achter ons! Super super super bedankt!
Thank you for these amazing words Irene! Super happy that you are part of our BP family!! Together we will keep this value :)
Zo blij dat je 1,5 jaar geleden toch de stap naar BP hebt gemaakt! Wij zijn ook super blij met jou en je enthousiasme in onze family :)
Super leuke blog Steffie! Goed geschreven en ik vind het ook interessant om het verhaal achter BP te lezen :) Ik kijk uit naar de volgende!
Wat leuk, die video met 1e optreden in 2012! En boeiend om te lezen hoe alles begonnen en vooral, zo verder gegroeid, is, je blog leest lekker weg, erg benieuwd naar volgende aflevering :)
Thanks Annette! Super lief :) Maandag weer de volgende!
Lief Danielle, dank je wel! Op naar de volgende, hoop dat je die net zo leuk vindt!
Wat leuk om te lezen zeg en jullie eerste bachata optreden te zien! Ik had er echt geen idee van dat jullie ooit zijn begonnen met salsa dansen. Ben al benieuw naar het vervolg.
Thanks Danielle! Is ook alweer lang geleden, maar af en toe een salsa dansje kan ik nog steeds erg van genieten!
Volgende blog & video is ook alweer online :) hoop dat je daar ook weer wat nieuws over ons hoort.